Philosophy of Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) dedicated her life to the improvement of humankind through the education of children.   The first woman to become a physician in Italy, she studied, worked with and made observations about children that evolved into a method of education.   This method transcends differences in culture, language and religion and continues to be implemented in schools throughout the world.

The foundation of the Montessori method was Dr. Montessori’s discovery that children are their own teachers, taking in all that they can from their surroundings to quench their inherent and spontaneous thirst to learn.   The Montessori method has three distinguishing components.

1. A prepared environment, carefully designed to be aesthetically intriguing.  The environment calls to the child’s need to learn about the world and become an independently functioning person.

2. The passive-supportive role of the teacher is one who presents the materials and holds his or her activities and authority in abeyance while being available to each child.

3. The highest degree of respect for the child.  Each child is revered as an individual and is allowed to learn at his or her own pace.

Dr. Montessori observed that every child develops through the same sensitive periods, which modern science, upon making the same discovery, has termed “critical periods.”   The Montessori method is thus uniquely crafted to complement the development of children.   Using materials designed to meet the specific needs of those critical periods, each child is given the freedom to experience “auto-education” while following his or her own internal timetable.   The children are grouped by developmental stage, rather than grade, so that they may also learn from one another as they master these skills.   The teacher’s role as observer and guide nurtures the child’s sense of self-respect and accomplishment.

A lifetime advocate of peace, Dr. Montessori was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.   She believed that the peaceful future of our world lies in the hands and hearts of children.   As children in the Montessori classroom live in an atmosphere of empowerment, peace and respect, they help each other and grow together, practicing to become the peacemakers of the future.